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Charlotte Stuart Kimball in her Straight Wharf Studio
Phil Hicken in his studio on Pine Street - photo by Beverly Hall
Frank Swift Chase (center) with a Plein Air class in 1931 - from the Rae Carpenter Collection
Ruth Haviland Sutton advertising the Sidewalk Art Show in a 4th of July parade in the 1940s - photo by Louis Davidson
Doris Riker Beer on Old North Wharf - photo by Louis Davidson
Fritz Eichenberg - photo by Beverly Hall
George C. Thomas in his studio on Candle Street - photo by Rob Benchley
Sarah Baker - photo by Louis Davidson
Mary Patricia “Pat” Gardner in her studio on Hummock Pond Road - photo by Beverly Hall
Katie Trinkle Legge in her Quidnet studio - photo by Jeffrey Allen
Helen Sharp Potter in her studio - photo by Rob Benchley
John Loxchtefeld in his studio on Fair Street - photo by Robert Frazier
Maggie Meredith in her home studio - photo by Beverly Hall
Isabelle Hollister Tuttle - photo by Beverly Hall
C. Robert Perrin in his studio - photo by Beverly Hall
Gerry Scheide in her studio - photo by Rob Benchley
Lois Wing Burrell - photo from the collection of Barb Spitler
Colonel Julian Yates - photo by Louis Davidson
Mary Turlay Robinson - photo by Louis Davidson
Gerta Kerr - photo by Louis Davidson
Sue Cory Guenther in Chase plein air class - photo by Louis Davidson
Estelle Coggins - photo by Louis Davidson
Mary Sarg Murphy - photo by Louis Davidson
Julia Jelleme - photo by Louis Davidson
Loring Hayden -0 photo by Louis Davidson
Katharine Dunn Pagon - photo by Louis Davidson
Brock Davis in Hicken Studio on Pine Street - photo by Beverly Hall
Robert Freiman - photo by Beverly Hall
Roy Bailey - photo by Beverly Hall
George Davis - photo by Beverly Hall
Sybil Goldsmith - photo by Beverly Hall
Reggie Levine - photo by Beverly Hall
Dick Peterson in his gallery on Old South Wharf - photo by Beverly Hall
G.T. “Tom” Burke - photo by Beverly Hall
Gerald Taber - photo by Beverly Hall
Ginger Andrews - photo by Beverly Hall
Constance Drake - photo by Beverly Hall
Betty Moore - photo by Beverly Hall
Gordon Hughes - photo by Beverly Hall
Pat Coffin - photo by Beverly Hall
Janet Ball McGlinn - photo by Beverly Hall
Jeannette and Jerry Carl - photo by Rob Benchley
Christine Sanford - photo by Rob Benchley
Karol Lindquist - photo by Rob Benchley
Kathleen Potter Kelliher - photo by Rob Benchley
Ed Rudd, Victoria Harvey, David Lazarus (l-r) en plein air - - photo by Robert Frazier
John Lochtefeld and Barbara Kauffmann-Locke - photo by Robert Frazier
Willian Welch en plein air at Brant Point - photo by Robert Frazier
Four artists in Abbey Road meme - (l-r) Joan Albaugh, Robert Frazier, Julija Mostykanova, David Lazarus
Illya Kagan painting plein air at Brant Point - photo by Robert Frazier
David Lazarus and Greg Hill (l-r) during the 2015 Plein Air Nantucket festival - photo by Robert Frazier
Dorothy Georger at an opening for Barbara Frazier at the Little Gallery - photo by Robert Frazier
John Carruthers inking woodcut - photo by Robert Frazier
Howard Fraker in his studio - photo by Susan Duane
Peter Kerr teaching at Cranbrook
John Austin - photo by Rob Benchley
Lloyd Schultz - from AAN archives
Florence Schepp with her father Leopold - from the AAN archives
Rae Carpenter - photo by Louis Davidson
Barbara Brown Frazier at her home at 30 Pleasant Street - photo by Walt Lucas
Paul Crosthwaite in 1974 - from the AAN archives
Liz Schaeffler - photo by Louis Davidson
Elizabeth Saltonstall in her cottage at Wateredge - photo by George Thomas
Millicent Clapp - from the AAN archives
Jocelyn Sandor Urban in front of her painting - photo by Robert Frazier
Beverly Hall with statue by Seward Johnson - photo by Robert Frazier
Lynn NIcholas and Jenny Nelson - photo by Robert Frazier
Mary Emery in the AAN print studio - - photo by Robert Frazier
Michael Rich painting to music - photo by Robert Frazier
Heather V McLeod during Wet Paint 2023 - photo by Robert Frazier
Don Van Dyke by two of his oils - photo by Robert Frazier
Maggie Murray Maury - photo by Robert Frazier
Meg Weeks painting in the rain - photo by Robert Frazier
Bobby Frazier - - photo by Karol Lindquist
Paul LaPaglia - photo by Rob Benchley
Ken Layman - photo by Rob Benchley
David Lazarus - photo by Rob Benchley
Maggie Meredith - photo by Rob Benchley
Beth Morris - photo by Rob Benchley
Greg Hill - photo by Robert Frazier
Carol Keefe - photo by Robert Frazier
John Devaney - photo by Robert Frazier
Julie Gifford - photo by Robert Frazier
Sandra Flavin - photo by Robert Frazier
Andrew Shunney - photo by Louis Davidson
John Sharp - photo by Walter Pollak
Bobby and Polly Bushong (front) - photo by Beverly Hall
H. Emerson Tuttle
* Portraits of AAN Artists
From the AAN Archives - portraits of our artists through the decades