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  • “French Gothic” - etching

Rudolph Stanley-Brown

Inquirer & Mirror - Feb. 12, 1944
Rudolph Stanley-Brown, aged 54, a well known architect and author, died at Augusta, Georgia, on Tuesday of this week, following a brief illness. He was a grandson of President James A. Garfield. Survivors include Ins widow; a son, Edward Garfield Stanley-Brown,and a daughter, Katherine Oliver StanleyBrown, all of Washington; and two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Feis, Washington, and Dr. Margaret Stanley-Brown, New York. Funeral services will be held at Nantucket on Sunday. 
Inquirer & Mirror - Feb. 19, 1944
Rudolph Stanley-Brown, who died in Augusta. Ga.. on the Sth of February, after a brief illness, was born at Mentor. Ohio, on the 9th of April. 1889, the son of Joseph and Mary (Garfield) Stanley-Brown and grandson of President James A. Garfield. He was educated at St. Paul’s School. Garden City, L. I., and received his B. S. Decree from Yale Sheffield Scientific School in 1909. He studied at Columbia University School of Architecture, 1909-1911; Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. France (architecture) 1911—1914. He was engaged in architectural work in New York, Boston and Cleveland from 1914 to 1916. As Pvt. Stanley-Brown he saw Mexican border service in the 1st Ohio Cavalry. 1916-1917. He was commissioned a 1st Lieutenant in the Field Artillery in August. 1917. and became Captain in the Field Artillery in July. 1918. He was Aide-de-camp to Major General Ernest Hinds, Chief of Artillery. A. E. F. He served in France from Sept. 1917, to July, 1919. From 1919 to 1934. he was a partner in the firm of Garfield, Stanley-Brown, Harris & Robinson. In Sept., 1934, he went to Washington. D. C. as Consulting Architect, Public Building Administration. U. S. Government. He became Senior Consulting architect of the Recreation Division, of Community War Services of Federal Security Agencies, September. 1942. The deceased married Katharine Oliver Stanley-Brown. Two children were born to them, Edward Garfield Stanley-Brown, now in the Army’s pre-medical program at the University of Virginia; and Katharine Oliver Stanley-Brown,attending the Madeira School. Washington, D. C. He is also survived by his mother, Mary (Garfield) Stanley-Brown, of 25 Park Avenue. New York city (now in Pasadena, California); a sister, Mrs. Herbert .Feis, of Washington, D. C., and a sister. Dr. Margaret Stanley-Brown, of 25 Park avenue. New York city. In architectural practice, Mr. Stan-ley-Brown designed and built city and country houses, commercial buildings, college buildings, hospitals, swimming pools and private recreation buildings. While with the Public Building Association, he planned and designed approximately 35 post offices, court houses and other Federal buildings, of which 26 were constructed. Co-Author of a book. “Public Buildings.” published in 1938, on the extensive work of the W. P. A., Mr. Stanley-Brown also translated two French artillery manuals, as well as illustrating books on related architectural  subjects. Mr. Stanley-Brown’s etchings and water-colors have been exhibited in art gallery shows all over the country.