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Dietrich Maune

Dietrich Maune

Dietrich Maune’s creative work focuses on our relationships with each other and the world as seen through the relationships of animals and their place in the environment. It often looks at how differences can exist together and how the needs of different species and their desire for each other are mutually beneficial and supportive.

His work has been exhibited in numerous solo, group, and juried exhibitions and resides in the corporate collections of the Greenville Museum of Art, NC; GSK Pharmaceuticals, NC; Green Tree Financial, SD; Pouch Cove Foundation, Newfoundland; Rockingham Memorial Hospital, VA and Augusta Medical Center, VA among others; and in many private collections.

Dietrich Maune received his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts from East Carolina University in Painting and Drawing. He is a Professor in the School of Media Arts and Design at James Madison University.

Artist Statement

The animals and environments I choose as subjects in my work serve a variety of purposes. They are used much as a figurative artist might choose to represent the human form. But they also carry form and meaning through the narratives I create, which we can connect to our lives and our own relationships, both with pets and wild animals, and their connection to objects and the environment around us. The compositions are visual stories that are ultimately about relationships and how we coexist. Our relationships with others through the world around us and the relationships which exist within the animal world, which we often observe from a distance, and are so often reflective of ours.

Artist Portfolio