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Gwen Malcolm

Gwen Malcolm

Gwen counts herself among the fortunate few who can call Nantucket her lifelong home. Immersed from childhood in this island’s unique blend of sun-drenched days and misty Grey Lady fog, Gwen’s creativity flourished in this picturesque setting. Whether she was painting, sculpting, writing, or experimenting with various instruments, her artistic spirit was always in full bloom, driven by a relentless desire to explore and create.

Her approach to art is a testament to her belief that the process of creation is as significant as the finished piece. This philosophy is evident in her work, where she employs repetitive strokes and harmonious colors to underscore the artistry of creation itself.

When she’s not immersed in her art or behind the desk at AAN’s Big Gallery, you can find her strumming her guitar or getting lost in the pages of a mystery novel. Gwen Malcolm’s artistry is a vibrant reflection of her Nantucket roots, her creative journey, and her boundless enthusiasm for life’s colorful tapestry.

Artist Statement

For me, painting is a meditative process which focuses on fine detail work in a color palette and subject matter inspired by my island home. I have enjoyed painting at a miniature scale my whole life and while I occasionally stray to larger projects, those are usually just to practice various skills. I am especially inspired by the ocean, and the way that the movement of the water invites a similar freedom in painting it. In my work, I strive to find the balance between that freedom and the control needed to work at a miniature scale.