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Hannah Judy

Hannah Judy

A native Cantabridgian, I graduated from Harvard with an English major then worked as a commercial banker traveling around southern Iowa. I spent most of my adult winter life in Lake Forest, IL. My jobs on Nantucket have ranged from scooping ice cream at the Sconset Bookstore in the early 70s, to selling books at Mitchells in 1978, to my current job as a Fitness Instructor at Saltmarsh, where I teach Nia (aerobic dance) twice a week. I am a proud “original group” Mermaid cold water swimmer and need my daily year round swims! I also like to dance to Cranberry Alalrm Clock at the Sandbar……

Artist Statement

Remarks I made before leading the Polar Plunge at my middle child’s wedding in California pretty much capture why I take photos and offer them to the world:

“Take in your surroundings. The clouds. The play of light on water. Notice the beauty, always. Celebrate it.”

My family has been in Sconset since 1970, but I only became a year-rounder in 2020. “Celebrating” my dream life come true, I am inspired at every turn. From the patterns in shingles and sand to the ever changing colors of the sea, from the relentless beauty of sunrise and sunset to the exuberant flowers, from the tupelos to the lichen, and always the sky. So much sky, with its endless repertoire of cloud formations.

Although I started my life in photography with a Brownie camera circa 1965, and moved on to a Minolta SRT 101 at age twelve (and got my first bookstore job to pay for it!) I now take photos exclusively with my iPhone 12 Pro. It’s always with me.

A purist, I sometimes straighten, occasionally crop, but never enhance or manipulate. I believe strongly in using a quick and discerning eye to see, to frame, to choose, to capture.

For me, the challenge and the delight is seeing what others may not. Trying different angles, and if that means lying on the ground, so be it! How to frame what I see in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, but also interesting and even unexpected, is paramount. I strive to capture the magic and bounty of our everyday reality on they most beautiful island.

Current Works for Sale

Artist Portfolio