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Jil Coolidge

Jil Coolidge

Artist Life Member

After a career in the airlines Ms. Coolidge switched gears and began painting and teaching watercolor. There were numerous shows, awards and teaching opportunities on both coasts leading to a studio in San Carlos and one in Nantucket, MA.

Her love of all things Nature continues to mold and shape her specific themes, which reveal themselves in the sand dunes, skies, hiking trails and ocean motifs which can be found on walls of restaurants and galleries from CA to the UK, Washington DC and France.

She now paints large scale oils, always looking toward making a connection to her subject matter. The piece titled “the Dish at Sunrise” is the result of the 15 years or so of hiking and mountain climbing - something which became deeply personal in terms of the light, the colors of the seasons and her own response to the beauty of the mountains. In addition, her travels have given her respect for the many complexities of color and light combinations. “I like to accept challenges, which keeps me engaged and curious. The result is always a surprise.”

Artist Statement

Letting my work speak for itself is somehow a more honest statement than words in terms of what inspires me.

Current Works for Sale

  • Lincoln Circle View
    Lincoln Circle View