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Muffy Pendergast

Muffy Pendergast

After earning her BS in Public Relations/Communications at Boston College, Muffy immersed in the arts and landed a job in an NYC ad agency in the early 90s. Switching to Public Relations while volunteering at the Children’s Museum of the Arts in SoHo, NYC, she began to appreciate education through the arts. Then came a decade for independent study, traveling to Africa, Russia, Mexico and the US, with an easel and oil paints and journals to be filled with paintings and notes about traveling. Income was sustained with restaurant, retail and teaching jobs of varying lengths and opportunities. Currently she juggles family, various artist/community organizing roles (including her favorite: The Giant Puppet and People Making Mayhem Parade, building puppets the month preceding Halloween in her beloved Westville, New Haven,CT),
teaching studio art to elementary aged students, gardening dahlias and looking for opportunities to spread her joy of puppetry while advocating for Mother Nature.