Find new dimensions to your creative process through collage and mixed media experimentation. Develop active interconnected surfaces with a variety of papers from many sources, fabric and botanical elements. Sherre will demonstrate dying and manipulating papers and my methods for building a painting using paper fragments and printed images. Included in the workshop will be cyanotype printing and alternative methods and materials. Students will work open-endedly, foster the element of surprise in their work and be inspired by unexpected visual connections. Cross pollination and a lively class environment is encouraged, rich with shared ideas and inspiration. This is the perfect workshop for artists of all levels, working in any media. Continuing and advanced students will be guided to enrich and deepen their imagery.
Students taking both sessions will not find it repetitive! We will all learn a great deal from each other.
For questions or assistance please contact Elizabeth Buccino, Director of Education*
PLEASE NOTE: The AAN’s Painting studio is equipped with easels and glass top carts for palette use and daily personal storage. Due to this studio’s evening classes in a variety of media, please be prepared to leave your cart and easel clean, store work in progress in drying rack s provided, and transport your supplies to and from the studio each day. Storing unused paint in a plastic palette bin is suggested. Thank you in advanced for your consideration.
Suggested Materials List
Bring more than one surface - any size
Recommended: Hardboard panels (flat or cradled)
Heavyweight drawing or canvas paper
Stretched canvas
Recommended: Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive, PVA adhesive - or other archival glue
Acrylic medium (fluid), matte or gloss
Painting / drawing materials
Suggestions include: oil paint, acrylic paint, Golden Brand high flow transparent acrylic paint.
Suggested oil pigments:
Mussini - transparent oriental blue, violet, magenta, turquoise
Williamsburg - quinacridone gold, transparent brown oxide, ultramarine blue, Indian yellow, Cold black, Paynes gray, Phthylo blue
Suggested Acrylic high flow transparent paint - any color
Please note: I will have paints, both oil and high flow acrylics on hand for you to try…bring what you can, don’t spend a fortune!
Brushes: Simply Simmons - very inexpensive, and they come in a variety of sizes
Old key cards, plastic or wooden spoons or a bone folder (for smoothing out bubbles)
Source Material
Photos, prints from photos on plain paper - preferably acid free - Inkjet or laser prints
Images from any printed source - magazines, journal pages, letters, etc.
Organic materials, tracing paper, rice paper, colored papers, wrapping papers, etc.
There will be source material available from my collection, as well as the AAN collection of a variety of collage materials. Students will have the opportunity to print some images at the AAN.