Paint a large still life with artist Katie Trinkle Legge and learn her process for capturing the beauty of everyday objects with water mixable oil and acrylic paint. Students will be encouraged to push the boundaries of scale and composition to bring drama to their image making, as well as the element of surprise. Day 1 will be spent developing ideas through sketches and color studies to search out the essential aspects, like light and movement, that go into making a powerful and successful painting. Day 2 Katie will demonstrate how to upscale these small studies onto a large canvas by either drawing freehand or using a grid system. Students will then block in color and value in preparation for Day 3 of working independently, with a strong focus on color mixing and layering paint, and ending with a casual group crit. If you have ever been intimidated by working big, want to add some excitement to your still lifes, or simply are excited to learn as much as Katie Trinkle Legge can tell you about painting in three days, this will be a hugely skill-building and completely enjoyable experience. Some knowledge of drawing and color mixing are preferable. ALL LEVELS WELCOME.
PLEASE NOTE: The AAN’s Painting studio is equipped with easels and glass top carts for palette use and daily personal storage. Due to this studio’s evening classes in a variety of media, please be prepared to leave your cart and easel clean, store work in progress in drying racks provided, and transport your supplies to and from the studio each day. Storing unused paint in a plastic palette bin is suggested. Thank you in advanced for your consideration.
ACRYLIC: These are for the underpainting
Titanium White
Quinacridone Gold
Permanent Maroon or Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine Blue or Phthalo Blue
Cadmium Yellow light or some other Primary Yellow
Cadmium Red Light
Burnt Sienna
Water Mixable Oils (Any brand is fine, some colors are only available in certain brands but we can work around that. I usually use Holbein Aqua Dou or Windsor Newton Artisan.
The idea is that students have a basic color selection. The prepack set never has the right colors so buying individual colors is really the best thing to do.
Suggested Water Mixable Oil Colors:
Titanium White
Cadmium red Light
Alizarin Crimson
Ultra Marine Blue
Thalo Green or Viridian
Sap Green
Magenta or Thalo Rose
Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna
Burnt Umber
Bonus Colours: Not really necessary but fun.
Quinacridone Gold ( made by Holbein – Aqua Duo)
Thalo Blue
Raw Umber
Lemon Yellow
Cobalt Turquoise
WATER Mixable Linseed Oil- Any brand
Water Mixabe Thinner – Windsor Newton Artison makes this
( Note that the packaging looks almost the same as regular Mediums. Read the bottle to be sure it is the one compatible with the water mixable paints)
An assortment of sizes. Long flat Bristol brushes and any other oil painting brushes you like.
Metal Cups to hold your Mediums ( a clean tuna can will also work )
Pallet– Paper or glass
Vine Charcoal ( Medium not soft)
Students can plan to create more than one painting during the workshop. Feel free to bring multiple sizes of canvas or primed panels to work on.
Photo References:
We focus on the still life but usually have time to explore landscape so students are welcome to bring in photo references of something they may want to work from after the still life session.