This fun workshop is designed for experienced painters working in any medium who want to explore ways to create more modern, bold, and expressive paintings by taking a less representational approach. Each day we’ll explore ways to employ one of the abstract elements of painting; line, value, color, shape, and texture to express an unexpected idea or statement. There will be short presentations, followed by some simple exercises. This is not a “how to paint” class, rather a place to explore and experiment with fellow artists. We’ll be working independently (using materials of your choice) from still lives and/or photos. There will be a quick critique at the end of every day.
PLEASE NOTE: The AAN’s Painting studio is equipped with easels and glass top carts for palette use and daily personal storage. Due to this studio’s evening classes in a variety of media, please be prepared to leave your cart and easel clean, store work in progress in drying racks provided, and transport your supplies to and from the studio each day. Storing unused paint in a plastic palette bin is suggested. Thank you in advanced for your consideration.
This workshop is open to any medium (preferably oils, acrylics, pastels, or gouache).
Please bring your normal painting materials and at least 6 surfaces to paint on 9 x 12 or larger.