Learn impressionistic techniques and experiment with innovative methods to convey a “painterly” look with color pencils both in the studio and while sketching in the open air. Rose shares her approach for this expressive drawing media.
The first session reviews the basics of how the color pencil interacts with various papers, how to gradually build form and value, use of enhancing mark making, and layering of colors to create a rich range of hues beyond a single pencil’s color. Students will create one small drawing during this session to explore surface, color theory, mark-making, and some playful techniques with enriching metallic colors and reverse sgraffito.
Out in the field the next day (dependent on weather), participants apply what they have learned to sketching directly from the landscape. Drawing experience is helpful but beginners are welcome.
Add this vibrant media to your artistic “toolbox” which affords you an spontaneous and portable world of color for all in studio projects and sketching in the field or marshes - so beautifully abundant on Nantucket.
For questions or assistance please contact Elizabeth Buccino, Director of Education*
Graphite pencils: 7H, 5H, HB, 2B, 4B (whatever number some soft some hard point)
Color pencils - as many as they wish but I suggest a minimum of a 48 pack of Prismacolor Premiere.
They can buy a pack then supplement with individual colors off the rack.
Prismacolor is a higher-level pencil that still is cost conscious.
Caran D’Ache - best pro level but expensive.
Do not get the children’s level - participants will be disappointed with results.
About wax-based pencils: not water soluble
Brands – pencils are a mixture of pigment, wax, and/or clay, chalk, and methyl-cellulose (binder)
The more pigment in the cylinder of the pencil, the better the quality.
Caran D’Ache Luminance – high pigment content beautiful smooth and rich.
Needs heavy weight paper, hot press or Rising Museum Board. Relatively expensive.
Prismacolor Premiere – high pigment content , soft, waxy smooth
Use with high quality 100 percent cotton paper for best results
Prismacolor has a bit less pigment than Caran D’Ache Luminance -
but that makes the brand less expensive
Expand range of colors and technique
Caran D’Ache Pablo (high pigment but thin cylinder, hard; good for fine line work)
Prismacolor Verithin – as above: narrow cylinder, harder than Premiere
Spectracolor: very good pigment content, waxy, semi-hard
Create (shop) has a Strathmore color pencil pad, optional
However, I will be supplying the paper:
Reeves BFK 100 rag
11x18 Clipboard (A3) with extra clips to secure paper
Kneaded eraser
New, metal, handheld sharpener
6-inch metal ruler
x-Acto knife with cover
Baked goods optional.
Download free App: Adobe Capture
It’s free, however, Adobe asks to set up account.
The account is free. I will teach everyone how to use color capture and its purpose.
However, feel free to experiment ahead of time.
Not mandatory but so much fun.